Social Media Marketing Videos

social media marketing videos by stories and stills

Video is king. Or at least, it's the king of social media. No other form of post type grabs attention like social media marketing videos. 65% of video viewers watch more than ¾ of a video, and 55% of people watch videos online every single day. And these numbers are on the rise. What does that tell you? If you want your audience to absorb the information you are sharing, do it in the form of a video.

At Stories and Stills, we are constantly looking at which forms of video make the greatest impact, as well as social media trends for business video production. Whatever your goals are for your videos, we can tailor the look and feel to capture the attention of your target audience. For example, when we worked with Hair Knowlogy to create a social media and website video that would help showcase their salon and spa services, one of our first questions was, who is your target audience and demographic?

This was especially important for their social media marketing video because our main character needed to fit the mold. We wanted the audience to see themselves in her shoes and take the journey with her. All of this was made possible by finding out exactly what Hair Knowlogy was looking to accomplish and shaping their social media video to match. We take this approach with every client and business we work with. And we love doing it!

Thanks to the huge numbers of people consuming online content every day, businesses no longer have to spend outrageous dollars on broadcast television commercials. You can take control of your own advertising and compete with almost anyone. Let us help you. We'll create a beautiful, eye-catching social media video that will make your business stand apart from your competition. Anyone with a cell phone can record a video and post it online, but if your video looks like everything else out there, odds are users will scroll right past it. Allow us to take your videos to the next level, and create something that will capture attention and not let go. We'll create the look of big budget social media marketing videos, with a price any business can afford.


Working With a Video Production Company


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