Hilton Head Wedding Photographer – Stories & Stills

Capture your Hilton Head wedding with expert photography. Local pros, stunning photos, starting at $1495.

Hilton Head wedding photography packages start at $1495. Add videography from $1595—book both and save! Our booking process is simple. Start with the package you like, then add additional items if needed. Click the link to get started!

Add Videography to your Hilton Head Wedding

See our cinematic work below. Videography from $1595.

  • Savannah Wedding Photographer Testimonial


    “He (Stories and Stills) was one of the first vendors I booked about 1.5 years out from the wedding and he was so helpful and responsive. He often walked me through how wedding things worked and he accommodated every request I had. He got my bridal portraits back to me so quick and they were AMAZING!! Then the wedding photos came back so much sooner than expected and they were PERFECT!! He made our wedding day so easy, I didn’t have to think about doing anything photo or video wise.”

  • Savannah Wedding Photographer Testimonial 2


    “Stories & Stills is the absolute BEST company to ever work with! They were so fun and easy, and made things smooth and calm. They truly fit in just like family and that’s what they’ll always be to us, family. There is not another photographer we will ever work with!! We will forever be dedicated to Stories & Stills.”

Book Us

Once you complete the form below, you will be e-mailed our smart proposal. In this proposal, you will be able to VIEW ALL PRICING, make selections, and see your total in a cart. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE A PAYMENT now. After you complete the form below, we will confirm your date is available.